Nebius AI tech support
We want you to get the most from our platform. That’s why we strive to ensure a seamless experience with our services. You’ll find most answers in our comprehensive documentation, but if a challenge arises, don’t worry: we’re here to support you.
Experienced team
Our support engineers are experts on the Nebius AI platform. They are an integral part of our in-house team and collaborate closely with platform developers, product managers, and the R&D team. You can be sure that your feedback is directly conveyed to the team responsible for building the platform.
Comprehensive documentation
Explore our thorough documentation for Nebius AI services. Use these FAQs and step-by-step instructions to make the most of our platform features. Learn more about how to make the most of our platform.
Not available
Still have questions about our support?
We’re here to help. Just leave your contact information, and our experienced team will quickly reach out to you. They have the knowledge to walk you through our support options and can provide detailed information tailored to your needs in the Nebius AI.
You can contact technical support in muliple ways, through the support center in the console or by email
Our technical support responds to your requests within 24 hours, in the business hours of the GTM+1 time zone.