What is a feature in machine learning?

Features are essential to understanding data patterns and training machine learning models. Learn about their importance and generation techniques.

Features are the various attributes that make an information-rich dataset used to train machine learning (ML) models. These features are used as input to the model to help make accurate predictions against the target variable.

The feature creation and selection process can involve several algorithms that help select the optimal feature subset. This article will explore the importance of features and discuss a few algorithms and techniques for feature engineering, learning, and selection.

What is feature engineering in machine learning?

Features are the key elements or attributes of a dataset that allow machine-learning algorithms to understand the data patterns. During training, the ML model learns the various combinations of these features and how they relate to the target variable. However, these features are not always present directly in the data and must be generated via mathematical or logical operations and domain knowledge.

The process of generating the features from raw data is called feature engineering. The feature generation process usually involves using domain knowledge to understand what features would matter for a specific task, but sometimes, plain common sense also works. The quality of features determines how well the model will perform. High-quality features provide the model with the most relevant and precise information, enabling them to make accurate decisions.

What is feature selection in machine learning?

A general feature engineering exercise can often result in numerous features that seem relevant to the human mind. However, that may not be true, as it is possible that many of these do not have enough variation or relevance to help machine learning models.

Feature selection techniques use statistical algorithms to find which features are the most relevant to the task at hand. They allow engineers to filter the dataset to the most crucial elements and help build optimized models. Supervised techniques like regression and classification use variance thresholds and recursive feature elimination to find the best set. This is possible because supervised techniques have labeled data and can calculate the relevance between the input and the output.

On the other hand, unsupervised techniques, like K-means clustering, rely on dimensionality reduction techniques, such as PCA, to represent the high-dimensional data in a smaller space.

Types of feature selection methods in machine learning

There are various types of feature selection methods in machine learning. Some use statistical properties like correlation and variance, while others use a brute-force approach to determine the best combination. Each of these has its ups and downs and suits different situations.

Let’s discuss some key methods in detail.

Filter methods

Filter methods evaluate features by analyzing their individual statistical properties. These methods are computationally inexpensive and yield quick results. Some filter method techniques include:

  1. Information gain: Information gain calculates the reduction in entropy after the dataset is transformed. Simply put, it calculates which features contribute the most to removing uncertainty from the target variable.

  2. Chi-Square Test: The chi-square test is used to select categorical features. It tests the independence between the features and the target variable, and a higher chi-square score means a more important feature.

  3. Fisher’s score: Fisher’s score measures how well a feature variable can separate different classes in a dataset. A higher fisher score represents a higher feature importance and helps to select the most relevant features.

  4. Correlation coefficient: The correlation coefficient describes how two variables are related. It is used to judge how well the target variable changes with changes in a particular feature. The correlation coefficient lies between +1 and -1, with +1 meaning a perfectly positive correlation and vice versa. Features close to the two extremes are considered important for the machine learning model, while features with a 0 correlation hold no value at all.

  5. Variance threshold: The variance threshold checks the variation in a particular feature and drops it if it is below a certain threshold. A low variance feature does not have enough information to train a model, and features with 0 variances are often dropped by default. The machine learning engineer sets the threshold and depends on the task and dataset.

  6. Mean absolute difference: Mean Absolute Difference (MAD) is similar to variance and is calculated by subtracting the feature values from its mean. A higher MAD value means a higher feature importance and helps to filter the relevant feature set.

  7. Dispersion ratio: Dispersion ratio is also similar to variance and describes how dispersed a variable is compared to a central value such as the mean. A higher dispersion ratio means a higher feature score.

Wrapper methods

Wrapper methods use a greedy search approach to sift through the entire feature space and find the most relevant feature subset. They evaluate classifiers on the different feature sets and find the best combination against the evaluation metrics. These methods take some time, as some even involve brute force, but result in better predictive accuracy compared to filter methods.

Let’s discuss some common wrapper methods.

  1. Forward feature selection: Forward feature selection starts with one random feature and uses it to train a classifier. It then iteratively adds one feature in each step and re-evaluates the model. If the feature improves the model performance, it is added to the final set. The process continues until all features are tested and the set at the end is our final feature set.

  2. Backward feature elimination: Backward feature elimination works precisely opposite to forward feature selection. Here, we start with a full feature set (using all features available in the dataset) and train the model. Then, we iteratively remove features based on the model’s evaluation until we are left with a set that gives the peak performance. Forward and backward selection algorithms are collectively called sequential feature selection methods.

  3. Exhaustive feature selection: This brute-force algorithm is very computationally expensive but also gives the best results. Exhaustive feature selection tries every possible combination of features and returns the feature set with the best model results.

  4. Recursive feature elimination: Recursive feature elimination is similar to backward feature elimination but uses a feature score obtained from an external estimator to select the best-performing subset. It starts by training a classifier like linear regression or a decision tree and obtaining the important features, such as the Gini index or model coefficients. These attributes remove the least important features, and the process continues recursively. It then returns the best feature set at the end.

Embedded methods

Embedded methods combine the qualities of filter and wrapper methods. They utilize the feature interactions to understand their importance and are computationally efficient.

Let’s discuss a few key embedded methods.

  1. L1 (LASSO) regularization: Lasso regularization applies a penalty to the features in an iterative fashion during the machine learning training. As the model weights are updated, the regularization penalty reduces some weights to zero, which are found to be irrelevant to the task at hand. These features can be removed from the feature set. Computations that return a result after data processing.

  2. Random forest importance: A random forest classifier is a bagging algorithm that uses a ranking metric like gini impurity to rank features based on their importance. High-importance features (which lead to a purer node) are placed at the top of the tree, while the lower ones are pushed to the bottom. The trees' lower branches can be removed (or pruned) to extract a high-importance feature set.

Real-world use cases of feature learning

Modern artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms use complex feature-learning techniques to understand real-world data. This learning allows them to power various powerful applications.

Some common of these applications include:

  • Facial recognition tools: These learn facial features from images to find the perfect match.

  • Voice assistants: Assistants like Google Assistant and Siri learn features from audio waves to understand the spoken terms.

  • Financial fraud detection: Fraud detection applications learn features from data, such as user demographics and spending patterns, to recognize fraudulent activity.

What are the benefits of feature learning?

Many modern use cases require complex data features which cannot be generated manually. Feature learning via models, like neural networks, allows the algorithm to extract key information from raw data. This saves time and creates complex, information-rich features that might not be possible to build otherwise.

Additionally, the feature learning process is iterative and adaptable, i.e., the model can extract features from evolving, growing datasets to keep up with the latest patterns. The constant learning improves the model’s learning and outputs accurate predictions.

What are the limitations of feature learning?

Feature learning has proven to produce excellent results. However, it has certain limitations, and the quality of the result depends on certain factors.

These include:

  • Data quality: The quality of learned features depends on the quality of the underlying data. Anomalies like outliers, noise, and gaps in the data will lead to weak features and impact a model’s performance.

  • Computational cost: Complex models like deep neural networks are computationally expensive and require expensive hardware.

  • Interpretability: Features extracted from AI algorithms result from complex mathematical operations and are not interpretable.

  • Overfitting: Using complex models to learn basic features may result in model overfitting and poor performance on test sets.

How to implement feature learning

Feature generation varies from task to task and the nature of their dataset. The most common feature engineering practice is conducted on tabular data, where ML engineers use mathematical operations and domain knowledge to create features. The process may involve aggregating existing information or combining information from various data tables based on what makes business sense.

However, more complex data modalities like images and audio data require advanced neural networks to learn the data patterns. Modern image recognition applications use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) or Vision Transformers (ViT) to understand visual features. These models pick up edges, shapes, and textures and create a numeric representation of the attributes. The model architecture uses the numeric representation to learn the different labels in the dataset. Speech recognition applications perform similar operations on audio data, analyzing frequency spectrums, silences, and wave formations to generate features.

The most interesting feature learning developments have been seen in the text space since the introduction of large language models (LLMs). These combine text data with transformer architectures to learn complex semantic relationships and create feature embeddings. Engineers often pick up pre-trained feature models from HuggingFace and fine-tune them on their own datasets to save computations and time.


Features are the core of any machine learning project. These information-rich elements in a dataset allow the model to learn complex data patterns. During training, ML models map information from the features to the target variable and use it to train its internal weights.

However, most raw datasets rarely contain useful features, and ML engineers use feature engineering techniques to extract useful information. These may include basic mathematical aggregations or using neural networks to learn features from complex data. Moreover, it is also a common practice to use feature selection algorithms to narrow down the feature set for optimal performance and computational cost. Common feature selection algorithms include recursive feature elimination, variance threshold, and exhaustive feature selection.


How do features influence model accuracy in machine learning?

A model`s performance is directly proportional to the quality of its feature set. A high-quality, information-rich feature set will produce an accurate and robust model.

Nebius team
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