Choosing storage for deep learning: a comprehensive guide

Drawing from Nebius’ and our clients’ extensive experience, this guide and research aims to help engineers choose the most fitting storage solutions for deep learning.

Good-Better-Best (GBB) framework

The rapid evolution of deep learning models has brought about unprecedented growth in both their size and complexity. This trend, while pushing the boundaries of what is technologically possible, has also placed immense demands on the underlying infrastructure, particularly in terms of data management and storage.

As organizations seek to benchmark their current setups and plan future infrastructure investments, we employed the Good-Better-Best (GBB) approach to laying out our benchmarks.

  • Good: Meets baseline requirements for effective operations. Such solutions might be sufficient for smaller, less complex models or for organizations just beginning to scale their deep learning initiatives.

  • Better: Provides significant improvements in performance, scalability, or efficiency. These are often the sweet spot for organizations that have outgrown their initial setups and need more robust infrastructure to handle increasing demands.

  • Best: Represents state-of-the-art solutions offering top-tier performance and scalability. These solutions are typically adopted by organizations at the forefront of deep learning, where cutting-edge performance is vital for maintaining a competitive edge.

Please keep in mind that optimal solutions are not one-size-fits-all; they constantly change based on specific use cases and evolve with technological advancements. Therefore, the specific values provided here should only be considered within the current context, as they may shift with future developments.

Data preparation and tokenization

The first stage in any deep learning pipeline is data preparation, which, in the context of LLMs, you can read about here. It is a critical phase that transforms raw data into a format suitable for model training. This process involves several key tasks, including data cleaning, concatenation, formatting, and updating metadata. For tasks involving computer vision, data augmentation is also a vital step that helps improve model generalization.

  1. Pre-computed augmentation: Applies transformations in advance, increasing storage requirements but potentially speeding up training.

  2. On-the-fly augmentation: Applies transformations dynamically during training, saving storage costs but increasing computational load.

A more advanced technique gaining traction is the use of heterogeneous clusters that combine CPU and GPU nodes. In this setup, CPU nodes handle preprocessing and augmentation tasks, freeing up GPUs to focus exclusively on model training. Frameworks like Ray are particularly effective in managing such clusters, offering in-memory storage and flexible scheduling that optimize performance.

From a storage perspective, data preparation presents several unique challenges. The file sizes involved can vary widely, from as small as 4KB to several gigabytes. Additionally, the read/write patterns are often unpredictable, with frequent read-modify-write operations that require robust storage solutions. In many cases, distributed computing resources are involved, further complicating the storage requirements. Given these challenges, the choice of storage solutions becomes critical.

  1. S3-compatible object storage like the one Nebius provides: Enables excellent scalability and compatibility with various data processing frameworks. It is particularly advantageous when prepared data needs to be streamed to different GPU providers for training. Object storage’s durability and cost-effectiveness make it an attractive choice for large datasets.

  2. Shared filesystem: Best used for heterogeneous clusters, which implies that data, CPU, and GPU compute must be within one provider’s network.

Data streaming for training

Efficient data streaming to GPU accelerators is key for maintaining high utilization rates and minimizing training time. This process typically involves transferring datasets from storage to the host machine’s RAM and then moving the data into GPU memory in batches.

The choice of storage solutions at this stage can significantly impact overall performance, with key factors including:

  • Dataset size (ranging from 1GB to 100TB+)
  • File sizes (from 39KB image files to 110MB TFRecord files)
  • Model size (smaller models require more frequent data streaming)

Recent developments in storage technology have made significant strides in improving the interfacing with object storage systems. For example, AWS and Mosaic have introduced connectors that allow to optimize performance when streaming data from S3-compatible storage, thereby reducing transfer overhead and simplifying data pipelines. This is particularly beneficial when dealing with large-scale datasets, where efficient data shuffling between epochs is essential for preventing biases and ensuring that the model generalizes well.

Performance targets for data streaming:

Compute components Operation Good, GB/s Better, GB/s (H100/H200) Best, GB/s (B100/B200)
Single GPU Read 0.5 1 2
Single node Read 4 8 16
  1. High-performance shared filesystem: The default solution for most training workloads. Nebius’s file storage, with its distributed nature and high performance, excels in such scenarios, offering efficient shuffling capabilities that are crucial for large-scale setups. For example, Nebius offers a shared filesystem that provides lower latency compared to object storage and POSIX compatibility, which can be crucial for certain applications.

  2. S3-compatible object storage: For those dealing with large-scale data but with less stringent performance needs — especially when dataset size exceeds 1TB.

  3. Local SSD cache: Local storage could be placed between S3 and GPU instances and used as a cache to accelerate subsequent epochs, further optimizing the training process.


As deep learning models and datasets grow in size, the bandwidth requirements for storage solutions become increasingly critical. Both aggregate bandwidth, which is the maximum data transfer capacity between the storage cluster and all its clients, and client bandwidth, the maximum data transfer capacity for a single virtual machine, must be carefully considered.

During our study, we found that in larger clusters, aggregate bandwidth requirements do not scale linearly, which can present challenges.

Performance targets for bandwidth:

Number of nodes (8 GPUs per node) in training cluster 8 16 32 64 256
Good — text-only datasets
Read, GB/s 0.134 0.534 4.667 12 20
Better — multimodal LLM training
Read, GB/s 0.267 1.067 9.334 24 40
Best — image/video generation models
Read, GB/s 0.667 2.667 23.336 60 100

A tiered storage approach can be particularly effective in managing these varying bandwidth requirements.

  1. Compressed images, compressed audio, and text data can be stored in both shared filesystem and S3-compatible object storage solutions, as the bandwidth requirement is not very high.
  2. Image and video generation models might necessitate a high-performance shared filesystem or S3-compatible object storage with local SSD cache solution capable of handling massive bandwidth and I/O requirements.


Checkpointing, the process of saving a model’s state at a particular point during training, is crucial for resuming training after interruptions.

Checkpoint size is a key consideration, typically requiring 12 bytes per model parameter (4 bytes for model parameters, 8 bytes for optimizer state). For context:

  • BERT-like models: ~2B parameters

  • GPT-3 and successors: 175B+ parameters

  • Cutting-edge models: Approaching or exceeding 1 trillion parameters
    For a 300B parameter model, our own and clients’ experience suggests allocating about 30 minutes daily for checkpoint writing and aiming for under 10 minutes per checkpoint read.

There are two main types of checkpointing: synchronous and asynchronous. Each comes with its own set of trade-offs.

Synchronous checkpointing, while simpler to implement and highly reliable, can pause training during the saving process. This requires extremely high write bandwidth, especially for large models, to minimize the impact on overall training time. For example, a model with 300 billion parameters might require several terabytes of storage for each checkpoint, with write speeds needing to exceed 100 GB/s to keep overhead manageable.

Asynchronous checkpointing, on the other hand, allows training to continue while the checkpoint is being saved. This can potentially lead to faster overall training times, but it comes with a higher risk of checkpoint corruption if a node fails during the process.

Performance targets for checkpointing:

2B model 8B model 70B model 180B model 300B model
Checkpoint size, GB 24 96 840 2160 3600
Number of nodes in training cluster 2-8 4-16 16-128 32-256 64-2048
Good: 5% overhead on writing = 180 seconds per hour
Read, GB/s 0.4 1.2 10 24 40
Write sync, GB/s 0.2 0.6 5 12 20
Write async, GB/s 0.02 0.06 0.5 1.2 2
Better: 2.5% overhead on writing = 90 seconds per hour
Read, GB/s 0.6 2.2 20 48 80
Write sync, GB/s 0.3 1 10 24 40
Write async, GB/s 0.03 0.1 1 2.4 4
Best: 1% overhead on writing = 36 seconds per hour
Read, GB/s 1.5 6 48 120 200
Write sync, GB/s 0.7 3 24 60 100
Write async, GB/s 0.07 0.3 2.4 6 10
  1. High-performance shared file system: For large-scale clusters.

  2. Tiered approach: Recent checkpoints on high-performance storage, older ones on cost-effective solutions.


Fine-tuning, a process that adjusts a pre-trained model to better fit a specific task, operates on a smaller scale compared to initial training but still requires careful consideration of storage needs.

Unlike initial training, fine-tuning typically involves shorter durations — ranging from minutes to hours — and a reduced need for intermediate checkpoints. This difference stems from the shorter duration and smaller checkpoint sizes required (since the optimizer state isn’t needed): just 4 bytes per model parameter.

Performance targets for fine-tuning:

2B model 8B model 70B model 180B model 300B model
Checkpoint size, GB 8 32 280 720 1200
Good: Read & write duration: 60 seconds
Read & write not slower than, GB/s 0.268 1.068 9.334 24 40
Better: Read & write duration: 30 seconds
Read & write not slower than, GB/s 0.534 2.134 16.667 48 80
Best: Read & write duration: 12 seconds
Read & write not slower than, GB/s 1.334 5.334 46.667 120 200
  1. Shared file system: for multi-node fine-tuning

  2. Local NVMe SSD: single-node fine-tuning and short-term storage of recent checkpoints.


Inference, which focuses on the deployment of models for real-time or batch predictions, shifts the emphasis from write performance to rapid read access.

During inference, the storage system must deliver model weights at high speed to minimize startup time and handle bursty traffic through auto-scaling. This places additional demands on the storage infrastructure, which must be capable of rapidly providing model data to newly spawned inference instances.

Performance targets for inference scenarios:

2B model 8B model 70B model 180B model 300B model
Checkpoint size, GB 8 32 280 720 1200
Number of nodes in cluster 1 1 1 1 with H200 or 2 with H100 2
Good: Read for 60 seconds
Read, GB/s 0.15 0.6 5 12 20
Better: Read for 30 seconds
Read, GB/s 0.3 1 10 24 40
Best: Read for 15 seconds
Read, GB/s 0.7 3 19 48 80
  1. Shared filesystem: For sharing data within inference cluster in use cases like autoscaling.

  2. Object storage: For sharing inference results with the public.

Storage solutions overview

A tiered storage approach often provides the best balance for managing the diverse demands of deep learning scenarios.

A high-performance shared filesystem is ideal for active data and recent checkpoints, offering the speed and reliability needed for demanding training and inference tasks. Object storage serves as a cost-effective solution for long-term storage and archival. Local NVMe SSDs or high-performance network block storage provide the necessary speed for caching and quick data retrieval.

Storage type Use cases
Shared filesystem Data streaming, checkpointing, and sharing any data between GPU hosts.
Object storage (S3-compatible) Large dataset storage, sharing inference results, potential for data streaming.
Network block storage and local NVMe SSDs Boot disks, SSD cache, additional storage for self-managed solutions.

Key takeaways

One of the main lessons here is the importance of flexibility. What works well for one stage of the machine learning lifecycle might not be suitable for another. For instance, the storage requirements for data preparation are vastly different from those needed for inference.

Another important aspect to consider is the integration of storage solutions with other components of the deep learning infrastructure. Whether it’s ensuring that storage systems are aligned with the latest GPU accelerators, or that they can seamlessly integrate with data processing frameworks, the ability to create a cohesive and well-integrated system is crucial for maximizing performance.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a storage foundation that not only meets today’s needs but is also adaptable enough to handle tomorrow’s challenges. The decisions you make about storage will have a profound impact on your ability to train and deploy cutting-edge models, manage large-scale datasets, and ultimately deliver value from your AI initiatives.

Igor Ofitserov
Technical Product Manager at Nebius AI
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